Enhancing Early Detection of Lifestyle Issues in Cardiology and Primary Care: The Case of Alison and the Role of HECS

Enhancing Early Detection of Lifestyle Issues in Cardiology and Primary Care: The Case of Alison and the Role of HECS


This white paper presents the case study of Alison, a 57-year-old patient (name changed for confidentiality), who experienced persistent head pressure and overheating during strenuous activities. Despite undergoing numerous tests and consultations, her symptoms remained undiagnosed until she requested a stress test, which revealed mild aortic regurgitation. With adherence to her prescribed metoprolol confirmed, her physician recommended adopting a mediterranean diet to reduce her symptoms and aid in weight loss.

The paper will underscore the limitations of traditional diagnostic methods and illustrate how the HECS Assessment, developed by HIL Health, can enhance clinical differential diagnoses, improve preventive screenings, and help patients navigate lifestyle intervention markets. By improving the quality of lifestyle data and standardizing lifestyle issue claims reporting, this assessment tool will support more informed clinical decisions, promote more efficient care pathways, and reduce healthcare costs.